My art explores the cyclical nature of human suffering throughout history. Born and initially trained as an artist in Syria, I later continued my studies at the AKI Academy of Art in Enschede, Netherlands, graduating in 2011. Despite living in a peaceful environment, I remain deeply connected to the ongoing atrocities in the world, particularly those affecting my homeland.
I believe in our shared humanity and the importance of acknowledging the suffering of others, regardless of background. Ignoring injustice is a failure of conscience. While my printmaking medium, using a self-developed technique, naturally features black prominently, I don't choose my colors; they choose me. My art aims to preserve memory across time.
Focusing on invisible yet powerful forces like movement and emotion, I depict anonymous figures in uncertain spaces, reflecting a world where truth is obscured. My work documents, evokes, and creates a space where memory, pain, and resilience intersect. It's an act of witnessing, remembrance, and a testament to our shared human connection.